How to Build Your Own Pet Drinking Fountain
Did you know that water should make up 60-70% of an adult pet's body weight? But pets are hit-and-miss drinkers at the water bowl . They can leave more water on the floor than what ends up in their mouth... It takes careful observation to see if your pet is trying to tell you something about their health, so you should learn to read the signs... In the meantime, a pet drinking fountain can be a great way to keep them hydrated. They're attracted to the running water... and fountains, compared to still (and stagnant) water dishes, harbor less of the bacteria that can cause serious health problems for your pets. Not only that, they can be a pleasant feature in your home , one that you and your pets can enjoy... Simple steps to make a pet drinking fountain Wet pet food is up to 78% water, while dry kibble food only contributes about 10% of a pet's water consumption. You should be making sufficient clean, fresh water available according to the diet your pet is following. Keep...